Native plant species and ZoneSJ

Why this is important. Requiring that appropriate plant species are used for landscaping ensures that landscape investments will maintain their quality over time, as the plants are more likely to thrive in our environment. More importantly, by barring the introduction of invasive species, regulations could reduce the harm that those species can do to our ecosystem.

What ZoneSJ gets right. ZoneSJ does require that vegetation used for landscaping be capable of healthy growth in New Brunswick.

Issues and opportunities. ZoneSJ’s specification of ‘deciduous trees’ is too broad. It should specify ‘non-invasive deciduous trees’. (The same could be done for conifers, but there are no aggressive invasive conifers.)

Cheat sheet for your feedback. If you want to provide feedback on this issue, feel free to use or edit the statement below:

Please add a requirement to the landscaping standards stating that only non-invasive plant species are to be used.

The deadline for your feedback to the City on ZoneSJ is Friday November 29th. Submit your input to (via webform, or in writing to And copy your councillors.

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